Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Search For Meaning Through Culture - 1283 Words

â€Å"The Search for Meaning Through Culture† Chapter 1: Public Declaration A manifesto according to is â€Å"a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization. (The Definition of Manifesto.)† Humanities manifesto would be â€Å"To broaden the knowledge of the arts, music, and literature of Western culture to the youth.† There are 6 main objectives. The first objective is to be able to demonstrate an understanding on major works in art, music, and Western literature (James Larner, Marcia Eppich-Harris, Annie Loechle, James Johnston, and Jeffrey Nelson.). Through this first objective the youth will be able to have a deeper understanding on the present as a product of the past. The second objective is to recognize and then be able to describe major cultural and intellectual movements of the periods being covered in humanities. Then to be able to synthesize them with the art, music, and Western literature (James Larner, Marci a Eppich-Harris, Annie Loechle, James Johnston, and Jeffrey Nelson.). Through the second movement the youth will have the chance to have intellectual conversations with different cultures and to adults. The third objective is to have the youth understand the present as it mediates through the past; vise versa (James Larner, Marcia Eppich-Harris, Annie Loechle, James Johnston, and Jeffrey Nelson.). This objectives purpose is to let the youth appreciate where we are now as aShow MoreRelatedCultural Meaning1520 Words   |  7 PagesCULTURAL MEANING The meaning humans give to actions, concepts and behaviours is dependent on the cultural milieu and is conditioned to a great extent by the underlying meaning systems, values and frames of meaning he/she inherites from the society in general. Socialization plays a direct role in that process. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Business Analysis Business And Marketing World - 839 Words

1. Introduction 1.1 Background In business and marketing world, with an incessant competition, to find what customers need is one of the most key things that a company needs to identify. However, customers in the market are different in both physics and mental. Thus, customer segmentation is needed in order to create and focus the firms’ suitable strategies. Nowadays, ethical consumption is getting more interested by some customers. With a rising concern of ethical customers, it is important for the firm to understand these customers and develop strategies to serve their need (Peattie, 2001). As supported by Pedersen and Neergaard (2006), the firms have to adjust themselves in coherent with customer ethical consumption as more people are expected the firm to act ethically (Creyer Ross Jr, 1997). As a result of serving these needs, firms’ ethical behaviour perceived by customers could produce a positive image to company as well as sales (Mohr et al., 2001). Also, as revealed by Becker-Olsen (2006), 8 0% of respondents in the study said that firm should engage in CSR activities, and believe that it will benefit the firm. Moreover, as reveal in many studies which will be discussed in the literature review chapters, more people is showing intention to ethically consume as a reward to the positive behaviours of firms, and will avoid any product that unethically produced. However, the ethical intention doesn’t always transform into actual behaviour. As revealed by Brey et al.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : The Business World1796 Words   |  8 PagesIn the realm of the business world, there are many industries that offer to provide products and services to their customers. In addition, each industry has a list of firms that that specifically provide consumers with their needs and wants. The soft drink industry in particular, includes carbonated beverages, juice, bottled water, ready-to-drink tea and coffee, and sports and energy drinks. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Accomplishments of the Greeks Free Essays

THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE GREEKS The ancient Greeks had many accomplishments including philosophical beliefs, intellectual ideas and artistic developments. They used many forms of expression to express their philosophical, intellectual, and artistic achievements. These forms essentially made up their culture and defined their lifestyle. We will write a custom essay sample on The Accomplishments of the Greeks or any similar topic only for you Order Now In document 1, the philosophy of Socrates stated that humans should analyze their lives. This is an accomplishment because it shows that Greek philosophy was the beginning of modern ideas. As stated in document 2, Aristotle believed that human reason is important in order to have a good life. Aristotle’s rational thought was an accomplishment because it questioned aspects of Greek society. This document was created at this time because it shows the teachings and beliefs of Aristotle that were conveyed to the people. As seen in document 3, the government in Greece around 430 B. C. E. , was set up similar to a republic. Document 3 describes the democratic form of government that was used to rule Greece. One of the reasons Greece was so successful was the system of government in place favored fairness and equal opportunity. Pericles was the greatest Athenian democratic ruler. This proved to be an intellectual achievement because it shows that the rulers of Greece at this time were able to form a system of government that was able to effectively rule the people. As seen in document 4, the Greeks had doctors and people specialized in the medical field. This is an intellectual accomplishment of the Greeks because it shows that they had job specialization within the culture. Job specialization is only possible in thriving societies, thus proving Greek was a prosperous civilization. Document 5, describes a geometrical theorem that is still used in mathematics today. This is an intellectual accomplishment because it was written around 300 B. C. E. , and still remains true today. In document 6, an excerpt from the play Antigone, common Greek beliefs are conveyed through the characters. As shown in document 7, the Parthenon is an example of Greek architecture, wealth, and religious beliefs. The culture and values of Greece at that time, is displayed through the art that was created. Sculptures, such as the one in Document 8 show the importance of athleticism and the Olympic Games in Greek society. Art was a way for the Greek to express their thinking and way of life in a creative format. An additional document that would be helpful in understanding the accomplishments of the Greeks, would a map of the trade routes throughout the Mediterranean and Black sea. This would show how the Greek culture was able to be spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin. It would also show how the Greeks were able to gain wealth and how it affected their culture. How to cite The Accomplishments of the Greeks, Essay examples